Honey-Orange Glazed Carrots

Searching for something to compliment hummus and fill a pita without going to the grocery store, I found it in this dog-eared recipe from a Barefoot Contessa cookbook. I only roughly followed the recipe, using about 2 instead of the 5 cups of carrots and trying to cut down the other ingredients appropriately. I've decided this recipe is pretty foolproof, and any recipe that calls for ginger just ends up tasting great in my book.

The hummus I made a week ago--it's hiding in the recesses of these pita pockets--is also a Barefoot Contessa recipe, too sesame-y for my tastes (I'll try reducing the tahini next time). After photographing and tasting this sandwich, I poured a little Indian chutney inside, which, though complicating the flavors, felt like an enhancement. This sandwich is something that would never be on a menu (too many different flavors mingling in incompatible ways: sesame, orange, ginger, chile...), but it hit the "good enough" mark for a fridge-clean-out meal. On second thought maybe the chutney was just masking the ridiculous combination of flavors...at least it looks nice, right?

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