Desperately seeking inspiration...

I want to cook! I want to make something delicious! Then I want to eat it!

But I can't find any recipes/ideas, even ingredients, that seem a worthy outlet for this enthusiasm.

In an attempt to seek inspiration, I've spent the last hour diving into the food blogosphere. Man, there are a lot of people writing (well) about food out there. I could spend a million more hours reading about food. Also, I should learn to take better photos. But that's a goal for another day.

I bought a big mango at Whole Foods last week. I can't remember what variety it was and I forgot to take a picture of it before I cut it up, so that detail will remain a mystery. It was bigger than most grocery store mangoes and all green. I don't buy mangoes often because they seem expensive, you have to cut them (versus other easier fruits), and they travel from far away to get to me, but I can see this becoming a habit. Eating this super ripe, super sweet mango was a delicious way to start my two weekend mornings.

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