What'll it be this week...

It's been a busy week with family in town and lots of other stuff going on after work so I haven't done much cooking, but I did make that tabouleh I was dreaming about for a lunch picnic with the fam. The cucumber was seedless--which I suppose is a selling point for some, but I don't mind the seediness of cucumbers. More interestingly it tasted like a pickle. Crisper and less watery than the typical cucumber with a vinegar-y kind of taste. I grew up eating "organic" cucumbers from our family garden, but they never tasted like this so I'm guessing it was some kind of interesting heirloom variety. I'm hoping to see more of these in tonight's box.

All this talk about the vegetable gardens of my childhood reminds me of my cat, Bruiser, who--along with other interesting habits that have nothing to do with food--used to lick cucumbers. He never really sunk his teeth in like this cucumber vampire cat...

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